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Get to know more about Sarufi

· 3 min read
Jovine Mutelani

Conversational AI(Artificial Intelligence) are becoming more useful in most industries be it health, finance, agriculture and many more. Utlizing the power of Natural Language Processing(NLP), conversational systems become more aware on the context of the user. With most platforms supporting Other languages leaving behind some unexplored languages such as swahili, Sarufi from Neurotech picks up the task.

What is Sarufi?

Sarufi is a Conversational A.I platform built to make Chatbot development and deployment easy and faster. The platform is built by Tanzanian start-up called Neurotech Africa. Sarufi provides delevopers with a quick way to develop Chatbots as it abstracts all complex processes such as intent detection.

Sarufi logo

What is a ChatBot?

In a growing technology world, you might have already heard or interacted with chatbots as I talked about in above section. Probably, you might have interacted with one while surfing through the internet as most website use them to deliver quick customer service. Let we have a quick grasp of knowledge on what a chatbot is?.

A Chatbot is a computer program that simulates human-like conversation through voice commands or text chats or both. Chatbot is an artificial intelligence (AI) feature that can be embedded in messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Messanger. Chatbots are built in a way that can detect what one intends to mean.

With chatbot usage increasing globally, business adopt the technology in order to reduce oprational cost, enhance and improve customer engagement thus improving overall business services oferred. Most customers would like a quick support whenever they visit business platforms for inquiries. This has forced most of business to adopt the use of chatbots.

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Sarufi Playground

Neurotech chatbots Playground

At Neurotech Chatbots playground, one can experience how chatbot can simplify business operations. Neurotech playground has chatbots covering different businesses such as HealthCare, Food, Mobile Banking and Insurance.

The chatbots under this section are maintained by Neurotech Africa, the mother of Sarufi. After having a looking at how chatbots created using Sarufi will help your business grow, you can contact us via for the service

Sarufi Playground Community

Sarufi Playground Community

Neurotech Africa along with Sarufi platform has put an open community for developers to share their chatbots. In Sarufi Community, you can see several chatbots that have been developed. Within the playground, you can see how developers use the platform to create bots to be integrated in different areas.

Wrap Up

As I wrap up, I would like to clear some differences about Conversational A.I and Chatbot. Conversational A.I(Artificial Intelligence) refers to tools/technologies that allow computer to carry out conversational experience with people. As for Cahtbots, they can be Rule Based or A.I based(conversational). A Conversatonal Chatbots leverages the use of machine Learning(ML), Natural Language Processing(NLP) in order to understand the intents unlike Rule Based Chatbots which works as Tree-diagrams such as Automated Phone Menu