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Chatbot as Template

Building a chatbot from scratch can be a daunting task. That's why we have created a few templates to help you get started quickly. You can use these templates to create a chatbot for your business in a few minutes.

What is a template?

A template is a pre-built chatbot that you can use to create a chatbot for your business. You can customize the template as per your needs. You can also create a template from your chatbot and publish it on the Sarufi marketplace.

This is huge win for both developers and businesses. Developers can create a template and publish it on the Sarufi marketplace which will help them to earn experience plus money sometime later. Businesses can use these templates to create a chatbot for their business in a few minutes.

Imagine a world where you can create a chatbot for your business in a few minutes. That's what we are targeting with template marketplace.

Why use a template?

Templates will help you to get started quickly. You can use a template to create a chatbot for your business in a few minutes. You can customize the template as per your needs. You can also create a template from your chatbot and publish it on the Sarufi marketplace.

Let's have a simple scenario

Just imagine that you created a cool chatbot which can be used by other businesses and you would like to share with a friend/community to try out or even use it for their business but still want to have your original chatbot. You may think of copying the chatbot and then sharing it with your friend or transfer ownership. But that's not the right way to do it. So what's the right way to do it? Here comes the template to the rescue.

You can simply create a template from your chatbot and share it with your friend/community.

How to use a template?

To use a template, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Templates page.

    Sarufi template marketplace

  2. Select a template that you want to use. Click View Details button to view the details of the template.

  3. Try out the demo of the template by clicking Live chat. You can also view the screenshots and gif of the template.

  4. Click on the Use Template button if you want to use the template.

  5. You will be required to log in into your Sarufi account. If you don't have an account, you can create one for free.

  6. You can edit the chatbot as per your needs.

Its that simple! You can create a chatbot for your business in a few minutes.

How to create a template?

To create a template, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in into your Sarufi account.

  2. Create a chatbot. The chatbot created should not have any ambiguity in the flow. It should be a complete chatbot.

  3. Test out your chatbot. Make sure that it is working as expected.

  4. Go to the Settings page.

  5. Click on the Export Bot to Template button.

    You will be required to fill in all important details about your template. Provide clear and concise information about your template's fuctionalities/features. On top of that, you will be required to provide a at least 4 screenshots of your chatbot and a gif of conversations . Make sure that you provide screenshots of all important parts of your chatbot.

    Publish chatbot as template

Once you have filled in all the details, click on the Publish button. Your template will be published on the Sarufi marketplace. When someone uses your template, he/she creates a copy of your chatbot. The copy will be owned by the user. You will not have any access to the copy of the chatbot. So any changes made to your template will not be reflected in the copy of the chatbot.

Available Templates

Currently, we have templates coveing areas around restaurants, hotels, ecommerce, customer support, lead generation and survey. We will be adding more templates in the future.